We were able to finish the painting at the girls home today. After it was all said and done it took 3 coats of paint to cover the green wall color that we started with and turn it to yellow. It definitely would have made things easier if we had a Lowes down the street to run and get supplies from! The "primer" we initially used on the wall we found out was not primer at all but just white paint so it was difficult to get the yellow to cover and not show the bright green through it. Also as I may have mentioned yesterday we did not have drop cloths available so a lot of time was spent cleaning the floor of paint splatters at the end of the day. Our team worked very efficiently together and we were able to knock out one coat of paint in the morning and one in the afternoon in both the common area and playroom. We may return on Thursday to paint one of the bedrooms. Marshall's motto is to be fluid here not flexible because being flexible means you can still break so fluid is the name of the game so we won't find out what we're doing until later as things can change.
For lunch today they took us over to the Haiti Outreach Ministry guest house. It also has a school, clinic, church, and trade school where they teach skills to the people here. The children that go to school do so through a sponsorship program they have set up. We ate on the rooftop under a screened in covering that had a nice breeze. And of course what mission trip wouldn't be complete without a friendly game of bible trivia with some cards we found up there!
We finished around 3:00 and headed back to our guest house. It is so nice to come back after a hot day to an air conditioned room and I know everyone is beginning to understand the principle of being thankful in everything especially the small things. Some people swam in the pool here or just relaxed until dinner time which is between 5-5:30. We had a beef and vegetable stew with rice and banana bread. The running joke has been that we have definitely BY FAR eaten better in Haiti than we did at Summersalt which was the student trip to white oak several weeks ago that will forever be marked by the awful awful food we had that week!
After our group devotion time we played a group game and let me tell you no one in our group is competitive at all.... Currently we are all sitting on a covered patio at the main house where we eat our meals because we are all trapped here by torrential rains, thunder and lighting. Most people are playing a card game and several of the adults are ready for bed but right now the beds are pretty far away when a monsoon stands between it and you across the courtyard.
Thankfully we have not had the power problems again that we had the first night probably in large part due to the fact that they got a new generator yesterday and they stopped running power through the oldest building on the grounds and moved almost all of us to the new building. We have all also come to enjoy the cold showers and find them quite refreshing :)
Our team is doing quite well together and meshing very nicely. Everyone is in good health still and we have had no injuries. We pray that this remains through our next two workdays. Tomorrow will likely be a lot tougher since we will be digging ditches and moving gravel in the morning as well as visiting and orphange to play with the kids, it seems it may be a later night for us tonight so hopefully our sleep will be restful.
Pray for us tomorrow as we love on these children that don't have moms and dads and pray that they will feel Jesus' love through us as he is the Father to the Fatherless.
Love reading the post and knowing specific praises and prayer request.